Important Phone Numbers:
Emergency 911
Toronto Hydro --416-542-8000
Toronto Water Department --416-392-2489
Toronto 311 Service --311
Enbridge Gas --1-877-362-7434
Carma Electric-- 1-888-298-3336
Management Offices:
**Corktown** 416-945-7902 or 416-729-7778
**Douro St.** 416-203-3710 kingwest@rogers.com
**Gardens at Queen** St 416-607-6079 propertymanager@gardensatqueen.ca
**Joe Shuster Way/Laidlaw** 416-939-6421
**Liberty Village** 416-535-3938
**Massey Estates** 416-640-6730 ext 123
**South Beach Marina** 416-591-2363 propertymanagement@southbeachhomes.ca
**Sudbury St.** 416-630-1234 xt 212 905-760-7890
**Trinity Park Lofts** 901queenwest.com
Authorized Repair Companies:
For All General Repairs small or large and Emergency Repairs Call or Text Rino-- 416-569-0284
Specialty Repairs:
HVAC Heating & Air Conditioning Pinewood-- Lindsay, Cindy and Monica 905-479-0542
Locksmith:-- Dave Brown 416-699-4716
Appliance Repairs: --Man with a Wrench-call: 1-888-454-4840 --- repairs@manwithawrench.com
Electrician:-- Papi from MT Electric: 647-328-0952
Pest Control:-- Pest Protection Plus Ben 647-391-7378
Smoke and Co2 Detectors:--- Justine-Robertson Fire 416-233-3934